Jyosna Vasili

Jyosna Vasili

Jyosna Vasili is a management information systems graduate student from Nellore, India

Hometown: Nellore, India

Year: Expected graduation: 2024

What scholarships did you receive and why did you receive them? How has the financial support impacted your experience at NIU?
I have been fortunate to receive two significant scholarships during my time at NIU: a graduate assistant scholarship and an International Student Ambassador scholarship. These scholarships have played a crucial role in alleviating the financial burden of my college education, covering a substantial portion of my tuition costs — approximately 78%. This financial support has been instrumental in reducing the overall stress associated with educational expenses for both myself and my parents. The graduate assistant scholarship, in particular, has not only provided financial assistance but has also offered me the opportunity to gain valuable professional experience through my role as a graduate research assistant. This dual benefit has enhanced both my academic and career development. The International Student Ambassador scholarship, on the other hand, has allowed me to contribute to the university community while receiving financial support. This scholarship recognizes and supports the unique perspectives that international students bring to the campus, fostering a sense of inclusivity. Overall, these scholarships have significantly impacted my experience at NIU by easing the financial strain, allowing me to focus more on my academics, and providing opportunities for personal and professional growth. The support has been instrumental in shaping a positive and enriching educational journey for me at NIU

What did you want to be when you were growing up? Are you pursuing that as a major, or have you taken another path?
When I was a kid, I looked up to my dad. He never pressured me into anything, but in our house, we had this whiteboard with a goal: to be entrepreneurs. I wanted to follow in my dad's footsteps, work hard and eventually start my own business. So, I started my career at Zoho Corporation in India, where I learned a lot in four-and-a-half years. Now, I'm taking a step further by pursuing a master’s in management information systems at the College of Business. It's like a story. I began with a dream inspired by my dad, worked in a big company and now I'm continuing my journey in academics. That whiteboard in our home was a simple thing, but it meant a lot. It reminded me of where I wanted to go. And here I am, still on the same path, working toward being an entrepreneur and making my dreams come true.

What is your major (and/or minor) and why did you decide on this course of study?
I have chosen management information systems as my major because it offers a balanced integration of business and management principles with essential technological skills. This decision aligns seamlessly with my career aspirations. Having completed my undergraduate degree in computer science, I recognized the importance of combining technical expertise with a strong foundation in business processes. The comprehensive course content of management information systems appeared tailored to my goals, making the decision to pursue this field a clear and logical choice.

What has been something you have found pleasantly surprising about your experience at NIU?
One aspect of my experience at NIU that has been pleasantly surprising is the rich cultural diversity and the institution's commitment to fostering an inclusive environment. NIU has proven to be a welcoming space for international students, providing them with ample support and encouragement. The emphasis on embracing different cultures has not only created a vibrant community but has also enhanced my own understanding of global perspectives. Additionally, the opportunities extended to me as a summer counselor for the STEM program have been truly rewarding. The chance to contribute to the academic and personal growth of students in the STEM field has been both fulfilling and enlightening, making my time at NIU a memorable and enriching experience.

How have you connected with other students to study for classes, meet new people or form new friendships?
Connecting with other students at NIU has been a dynamic and rewarding experience for me. I've actively engaged with various student groups and organizations, fostering not only academic collaborations but also forming lasting friendships. These groups have provided an excellent platform to meet like-minded individuals who share similar academic interests and career goals. Whether it's joining study sessions, participating in group projects or attending events organized by these groups, the shared experiences have created strong bonds. The sense of community within these organizations has not only enriched my academic journey but has also been instrumental in broadening my social circle and making my time at NIU truly fulfilling.

Are you involved in any student organizations, mentoring programs or extra-curricular activities? If so, which ones? How have they added to your experience as a Huskie?
My involvement in student organizations at NIU has greatly enhanced my experience as a Huskie. As the marketing manager for the Indian Student Association (ISA), I've had the opportunity to contribute to the vibrant cultural tapestry on campus. Organizing events, promoting cultural exchange and fostering a sense of community among fellow Indian students has been both rewarding and enriching. Additionally, serving as an ambassador for International Student and Scholar Services has allowed me to assist and connect with international students, providing support and guidance in navigating the university environment.

What NIU offices, departments or resources have helped you feel safe, supported and successful? And how?
The STEM department has been particularly impactful, offering opportunities for personal and professional growth. Serving as a counselor through the STEM program allowed me to engage with and mentor students, creating a fulfilling and supportive community within the department. The NIU Career Services department has been an invaluable resource in helping me navigate the path toward my future career. Their guidance and assistance in building and refining my resume have been crucial in showcasing my skills and experiences effectively. The support from Career Services has not only helped me feel more confident in my job search but has also been integral in preparing me for success beyond my academic journey.

Who has been one of your favorite instructors/professors and why? What course did they teach?
One of my favorite instructors at NIU has been Professor Yipeng Liu. He teaches OMIS 660 (cybersecurity) and OMIS 630 (Python programming). What sets Professor Liu apart is his exceptional teaching style and deep knowledge of the subjects. His ability to engage with students and bring real-world experiences into the classroom has provided me with a comprehensive and practical understanding of cybersecurity and programming in Python. Professor Liu's insights, coupled with his professional background in the field, have given me a broad perspective on the industry. His dedication to fostering a dynamic learning environment has not only made the courses intellectually stimulating but has also inspired a genuine interest in the subjects. Professor Yipeng Liu has played a significant role in making my academic experience at NIU both enjoyable and educationally enriching.

How have you benefited by attending class regularly?
Attending class regularly has been immensely beneficial for me in various ways. Firstly, it has instilled in me a sense of dedication and commitment to my academic pursuits. Regular attendance ensures that I stay on top of course materials, assignments and discussions, fostering a disciplined approach to learning. Moreover, being present in class allows me to actively engage with the course content, ask questions and participate in discussions, thereby enhancing my understanding of the subject matter.

Additionally, attending class regularly has provided opportunities for networking and forming connections with classmates. The shared learning experience creates a sense of camaraderie and collaborating with fellow students on projects or study groups not only strengthens my understanding of the material but also expands my social and professional networks.

Where is your favorite spot on campus or in the community? Why are you drawn to it?
My favorite spot on campus or in the community is Barsema lake. It holds a special place in my heart because of the serene moments and emotional experiences I've had there. The presence of geese and the calmness of the water create a peaceful atmosphere that allows me to unwind and reflect. Whether it's moments of happiness or times when I need to release pent-up emotions, Barsema lake has been a sanctuary for me. I find solace in sitting by the water, enjoying a cup of coffee and simply letting go of the stresses of life. It's a place that provides both tranquility and a connection to nature, making it my go-to spot for finding balance and rejuvenation.

What advice would you give to a student who is researching colleges to apply to?
When researching colleges to apply to, my advice would be to take a thoughtful and comprehensive approach. Firstly, focus on your academic interests and goals — look for schools that offer strong programs in your desired field. Explore the extracurricular activities, clubs and organizations available on campus to ensure they align with your hobbies and passions. If possible, visit the campuses to get a firsthand experience of the environment. This will help you gauge whether it's a place where you can comfortably be yourself and grow both academically and personally. Consider practical aspects like tuition, financial aid, location and housing to ensure they align with your needs and preferences.

For international students, it's crucial to investigate scholarship opportunities and college support services. Look into the diversity of the student body and the resources available for international students. Factor in the overall cultural environment to ensure a smooth transition to a new country.

Ultimately, trust your instincts in making this decision. Find a college that not only meets your academic requirements but also feels like a place where you can learn, thrive and be happy for the next few years.

Why is a college education important to you?
A college education is important to me for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a structured and specialized learning environment where I can delve deeper into subjects of interest, gaining both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. This education serves as a foundation for my future career, offering the expertise and qualifications necessary to pursue my professional goals. Beyond the academic aspect, college is a transformative experience that fosters personal growth and development. It exposes me to diverse perspectives, challenges my preconceptions and encourages critical thinking. The interactions with professors and peers contribute to the broadening of my worldview and the development of essential life skills such as communication, problem-solving and time management.

Moreover, a college education opens doors to a network of like-minded individuals and professionals, providing valuable connections for future opportunities. It is an investment in my future, enhancing my employability and offering the potential for a fulfilling and rewarding career. In essence, a college education is a pathway to self-discovery, intellectual enrichment and the acquisition of skills that will not only shape my professional journey but also contribute to my overall personal development.

What strategies do you use to manage your time between the responsibilities of school, work, friends and family?
Balancing the responsibilities of school, work, friends and family necessitates a strategic and disciplined approach to time management. Crafting a comprehensive schedule that outlines commitments such as classes, work hours and family obligations serves as a foundational step. Prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance helps in focusing on critical responsibilities first. Breaking down goals into manageable components with realistic deadlines aids in maintaining a sense of control and progress. Allocating specific time blocks for different activities ensures a balanced distribution of efforts. Learning to say no when necessary is crucial to preventing overcommitment and potential burnout. Leveraging productivity tools and apps streamlines organization, while regular reflection on schedules and commitments allows for necessary adjustments. Effective communication with friends, family, professors and employers is key to ensuring understanding and support. Incorporating self-care activities and regularly evaluating and adjusting one's schedule contribute to achieving a harmonious balance between academic, work and personal life responsibilities.

How do you stay informed about events and services that are available on campus?
I rely on the NIU calendar and NIU Instagram pages. The NIU calendar serves as a comprehensive source of information about upcoming events, workshops and activities, providing a centralized platform for scheduling and planning. Additionally, following the official NIU Instagram pages ensures that I receive timely updates and announcements regarding campus happenings, student services and noteworthy initiatives. The combination of the NIU calendar and Instagram allows me to stay well-informed about the diverse range of opportunities and resources available, enhancing my overall campus experience.

What do you do to relax or recharge?
To relax and recharge, I engage in a variety of activities that bring me peace and rejuvenation. Visiting the NIU recreation facilities allows me to unwind through physical activities and exercise. Additionally, I find solace in nature by hiking and walking, appreciating the outdoors and the tranquility it offers. Another meaningful way I recharge is by visiting the temple, where I can reflect, meditate and find spiritual nourishment. These activities provide a well-rounded approach to relaxation, addressing physical, mental and spiritual aspects of well-being, and contribute to maintaining a healthy balance in my life.

Please tell us about your job and hobbies.
In my current role, I serve as a web developer at IIRC (Illinois Institute of Report Cards) while simultaneously holding the position of a graduate research assistant. I dedicate 10 hours to my responsibilities as a web developer, contributing to projects related to institutional research and computing. Additionally, I spend another 10 hours grading assignments for FINA 674 and FINA 475, further enriching my engagement with the academic community. Outside of work, I indulge in various hobbies to unwind and make the most of my free time. Going to the Rec Center allows me to stay physically active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Socializing with friends is another favorite pastime, providing moments of relaxation and connection. I also enjoy binge-watching, immersing myself in captivating shows or movies for entertainment. Baking serves as a creative outlet, allowing me to experiment with different recipes and share delicious treats with others. This combination of work and hobbies contributes to a well-rounded and fulfilling daily life.

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